Sunday, 3 January 2010

Updates coming soon!!

Right then ladies and gents i've been umming and ahhing over this for too long now.

Now that first semester of Uni is out the way as is xmas and new year I actually have some time to write for my blog.

I originally started this thing so that i could write constant reviews for games, but as i VERY quickly found out, I don't have enough time to be doing that (especially as its my final year at uni).

So instead I have decided to take another approach, I am going to try and write smaller more frequent blogs about gaming news either personnal or from the gaming world. Giving people a look into my experiences and opinions.

Hopefully someone in the world will find it interesting =)

So I think the best thing to get this kick started again is to give you a quick update of my gaming life:
  • Due to my hard work over the xmas period I have a bit more money for games so recently purchased Assassins Creed 2, Red Faction Guerilla and GTA: Liberty City Stories (look out for my thoughts on each of these games in the coming week)
  • As you probably know there were a few games delayed last year to the early months of 2010, games such as Bayonetta, Mass Effect 2, Darksiders and Dante's Inferno. All of these games i have to look forward to and will be giving my full opinion of each when they arrive.
  • Now to those of you who don't know me i'm not a huge Final Fantasy fan (OMGZ!!) sorry to all the fans but it just doesn't appeal to me, however fortunatly for me I have a good friend who is and I shall be bringing him on to guest write for the blog once Final Fantasy XIII is released in the UK.
  • Not strictly gaming related news but I am no in possession of an (as a good friend of mine put it) Cyberdyne Systems mobile phone. lol. I haven't tested it yet but I should be able to blog on the go, so if i find any interesting gaming related news on my travels I will be able to post instantly.
Right I think thats a pretty decent update for now. As I have stated you can expect thoughts and feelings on the games I have been playing recently.

As always if you want to get in touch just drop me a line.

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